Two of Scotland’s finest singer songwriters, Ian Bruce and Ian Walker, from Glasgow, have joined forces to play at Eckford Village Hall on Friday, February 1, at 7pm.
“The folk duo are sure to wow the audience in Eckford,” writes their publicist. “Good songs and good humour abound. They always have a smile on their faces, and have a determination to ensure the audience joins in.
“They promise a refreshing potent blend of voices and instruments, including guitars, mandolin, autoharp, percussion and even banjo. They have been in the business for more than 30 years and played not only in the UK, but across Europe and the States.”
Ian Walker started song writing in the late 1970s, and by the 1980s was penning songs like Some Hae Meat, Roses in December and Hawks and Eagles, and two albums Roses in December, and Flying High. From 1987 to 1991, Ian sang and wrote about a dozen songs with Ian Bruce. While he continues to sing solo, he also records with the country gospel singer Jimmy Scott, and has teamed up once again with Ian Bruce.
“I work solo mainly,” writes Ian Bruce on his website: “Although I dabble with other instruments in the studio my solo performances are generally vocal (some unaccompanied) and guitar. I’ll sing you some Scots traditional and Robert Burns, but in the main, I’ll be singing a 60 per cent self-penned programme.”
Bruce also performs with Victor Besch and Dr Fred Freeman, and one reviewer at Edinburgh Folk Club said of his performance with Walker: “It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a club for years. They create a relaxed atmosphere throughout the evening and their songs and delivery are second to none.”