A quiz night will be held in the village hall on March 22 at 7.30pm – call 01450 870506 for more information and to book a table. This event will be preceded at 7pm by the hall AGM.
Emma Emmerson, from Woodside, demonstrated planting pots for spring colour and gave gardening tips at this month’s meeting. She judged the competition – a small informal floral arrangement – 1, Betty Doyle; 2, Joyce Smith; 3, Anne Wilkie. April 9 is guest night when Sister Isabel Smyth will tell her “Nun’s Story”.
Wednesday Club
Members were entertained last week by Trevor Black talking about antiques. Competition winners for “an antique” were Anne Falconer and Ray Murray. The next meeting is on March 26. Competition – “a dog brooch”.
Parish church
The March 23 service at 10.15am will be conducted by the Reverend Julie Woods, followed by the annual business meeting. Wednesday Lent worship continues in the church at 7pm. On March 29, the spring coffee morning in the church hall starts at 10am. The hall will be open from 9am for anyone who wishes to donate baking to the stall. Messy Church is to be held on April 5 in the church hall – contact Julie on 01896849236 for more information.
The village hall will host a showing of “Yetholm – The Finest Place” at 7pm on March 24. It depicts life in Town and Kirk Yetholm, highlighting old customs and traditions, and the impact of war. The film will be followed by a question-and-answer-session with Dorothy Sharpe. To reserve a seat and for more information, email or phone Loraine Kay on 01835 850289.
John Hennessey, from Kelso,talked to members about the guided climb he took up to the summit of Mount Ararat in Turkey. Competitions – oriental object – 1, Maggie Greenwood; 2, Jackie Dun; 3, Evelyn Grierson; rice dish – 1, Maggie Greenwood; 2, Evelyn Grierson; 3, Rosemary Wilkes. The raffle was won by Anne Steede.
Interest evening
This month’s interest evening at Kirkhope parish hall on March 27 at 7.30pm features a talk by Martin Scott on the Samaritans.
History society
Fala, Soutra and District History and Heritage Society will meet in Fala Village Hall on March 27 at 7.30pm to hear Henry Borthwick, Oxton, talk about “Oxton and Environs”.
Charity fundraiser
The Golden Lion pub is hosting a fundraising evening in aid of Crohn’s and Colitis UK from 7pm tomorrow (Friday).
Inner Wheel
International Inner Wheel, of which the Galashiels club is a member, is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year. To mark this event, Galashiels members are holding a Wedding Belles Exhibition and are looking for wedding dresses and accessories from 1924 to the present day. All proceeds will be donated to Samantha Kinghorn, who has recovered from a life-changing accident and will be representing Scotland in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in wheelchair racing. Anyone who can help should contact Rosemary McCosh, 6 Parsonage Road, Galashiels (01896 753118). The exhibition will be held on May 10 in St Peter’s Church.
Pamper night
The YM clubrooms in Roxburgh Street are tonight (Thursday) hosting a ladies’ pamper night from 6.45pm. The event is a fundraiser for a new playgroup – Bright Stars.
Prize winners at the whist drive held on March 10 – ladies – 1, Hannah Wilson; 2, Jenny Blakie; 3, Greta Middlemas; booby, Pat Lindsay; gents – 1, Alistair Hogarth; 2, Angus Cameron; 3, John Currie; booby, Izzy Broady. The bingo was won by Hannah Wilson.
Lunch club
Last Wednesday’s lunch club gathering was well attended.
Party time
Today (Thursday) is Dance Party Night, with music by Gordon Brown. Bring and share supper for this event which starts at 7.30pm.
Bridge club
March 11 – N/S – 1, J. and M. Miller; 2, P. Gilligan and M. Millar; 3, M. Tuson and R. Witherington; E/W – 1, K. Auckland and D. King; 2, J. Henderson and M. Bowie; 3, L. and T. Witten.
Film and video group
Alec Peterson entertained members with a programme of railway journeys within Scotland. The first trip was on the West Highland line, starting in Glasgow and ending at Mallaig. Next came a short excursion from Edinburgh to Dundee, followed by a journey which began at Inverness and travelled the vast areas of relatively-flat wilderness to Thurso. The final route began at Dingwall on the Cromarty Firth, crossing the country to Kyle of Lochalsh. The meeting on March 25 will feature a selection of films produced by Jim Law and Bill Neil.
Camera club
The three-way inter-club competition between Liddesdale, Kelso and Hawick took place last week in the latter’s clubrooms, with Ian Oliver of Galashiels judging. The hosts clinched first place, closely followed by Kelso and Liddesdale in that order. March 23 is the date for the Borders Digital Challenge at Hawick High School, doors opening at 2pm. The next club meeting on March 27 will be “An Illustrator’s Point of View” with Laura Blackwood.
Annie Shanks, from Standhill Dairy, Minto, gave a talk on cheese making. Competition – decorated yoghurt pot – 1, Lilian Whellans; 2, Ann Darby; 3, Elizabeth Nowakoski.
South Pacific
Tickets for Innerleithen and District Amateur Operatic Society’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “South Pacific” (March 31-April 5) are on sale at the Thrift Shop, High Street, and Graham McGrath, Eastgate, Peebles. They can also be booked by phoning 0845 224 1908 or emailing
Coffee morning
St Ronan’s Piping Society’s annual coffee morning is in the Vale Club on March 22 (10am-noon). The society is raising funds to hold the 13th Innerleithen Pipe Band Championships, this year moving to a new venue at St Ronan’s Primary School on September 13.
Games meeting
The annual public meeting of St Ronan’s Border Games saw Keith Belleville returned as chairman. He highlighted another successful year, recalling “The Sunshine Games”. He thanked the people of Innerleithen for financial contributions and, more importantly, their participation. He also thanked the businesses who support the games through sponsorship, and mentioned the continuing support of the Ex-Standard Bearers’ Association for practical assistance and a £750 donation. The chairman pointed out that Innerleithen is changing all the time and the committee must be careful to ensure that newer residents know about the work done and have opportunities to be involved. He confirmed that fundraising had taken on a new dynamic with fewer businesses and mills in the town, and that the committee had adapted well, but more needed to be done to maintain the high standards. Secretary Stewart Wilson, in his report, noted that the senior citizens’ social was well attended and the committee continued to offer a variety of entertainment. Attendance at the Standard Bearer’s Ball was slightly down on the previous year, but the committee should not see this as a setback as more than 300 were in attendance. He confirmed that the price of tickets would increase to £32.50, having been held at £30 for the previous four years. The car treasure hunt had over 40 cars taking part. The Cleikum Ceremonies had been ticketed on a first-come, first-served basis for the first time since 2009 and that this had been successful. Outwith Games Week, it was noted the fun run had been poorly attended and would be reviewed. Two resignations were confirmed – Brenda Kerr and Dorothy McKie. The secretary thanked them for a combined service of 35 years to the games. The report concluded with tributes to life member Bobby Knox and Ex-Standard Bearer Graeme Glendinning, both of whom had passed away recently. Treasurer Norman Scott revealed a small loss of approximately £600 on the year. Officials elected – president and chairman, Keith Belleville; vice-chairman, John Robertson; secretary, Stewart Wilson; treasurer, Norman Scott; sports secretary, Sarah Lindsay; ceremonial convener, John Robertson; patron’s secretary, Ted McKie; bar convener, Gordon Fairbanks. The general committee was re-elected en bloc, with the exception of Miss Kerr and Mrs McKie. Two new members joined – Kenny Scott and Raymond Hogarth. The annual coffee morning will be held on April 19; introduction of Standard Bearer Elect, May 9; Games Week, July 10-19.
Innerleithen Civic Association’s AGM is at St Ronan’s School Community Centre on April 22.
The service on March 23 starts at 11.30am.
Bridge club
March 10 – Easter Pairs – 1, I. Weir and G. Young; 2, H. Long and M. Weightman; 3, V. Johnstone and M. Miller; 4, A. and R. Stewart; 5, K. Jackson and D. Cairns; 6, M. and H. Ouldcott.
Market day
A farmers’ market will be held in The Square on March 22 (9.30am-1.30pm).
Museum friends
Friends of Kelso Museum’s March talks began on the 5th with Gordon Macdonald and “Suffragettes”, delivered with an intriguing Borders slant. The second talk was held a week later, featuring Alastair Innes on 75 years of his family’s photography business in Kelso. Last night (Wednesday) Dinah Iredale’s subject was entitled “Bondagers”.
Thursday Group
Peter Neilson’s description of his work healing horses was fascinating and thought-provoking. Today, Dr James Mitchell describes the life of Eric Liddell at 2pm in Abbey Row Centre. Next week sees Isabel Gordon and “Dying for a Cuppa”, a history of tea.
Parish church
A large, appreciative audience turned up at Kelso North Church last Friday for a screening of “Sunshine on Leith” which featured The Proclaimers’. Tomorrow (Friday) at 7pm, the documentary film “I Am Breathing” is being shown. This won the 2013 BAFTA Scotland Award for best directing and was also runner-up in the best single documentary category. The parent council of Broomlands Primary School is holding a coffee morning on Saturday in the Upper Hall from 10am-noon. This Sunday the Men’s Group – men@kne – will be leading worship in Kelso North and Ednam churches. A Christian Aid roadshow is being staged at Kelso North on Sunday at 6.30pm. The trustees meet on Wednesday at 7pm, followed by the stated annual meeting of the congregation at 7.30pm. After an afternoon’s curling, members of men@kne will travel to Melrose on Thursday evening for a guided tour of the Borders Crematorium. Tickets are still on sale for the Seder Meal and Ceilidh at Kelso Rugby Club on April 11. Lent study sessions continue on Tuesdays at 2pm in St Mary’s Church, with a repeat on Thursdays at 7pm at Kelso North. Patterns for knitted teddies are available again in both churches and from the church office. The teddies will be used by Northumberland Ambulance Service.
Youth project
Kelso Youth Project Film Club presents “Hunger Games: Catching Fire” on March 27 at the Tait Hall. Doors open 6.15pm, film starts 6.30pm. For further information or to be put on the project emailing list, email The project needs volunteers for its table tennis after-school group. Anyone interested should email ireid@yetholmtown, or ring 01573 420703.
Horticultural society
On March 25, “Memories of Chelsea 2013”, a talk and floral art demonstration by Elizabeth Forster, will be held in the Tait Hall, starting at 7.30pm.
Bridge club
March 12 – SBU Easter Pairs – 1, Rena Stewart and Beth Stark; 2, Ian Watson and Stuart Graham; 3, Jean Henry and Myra Thomson; 4 (equal), Caroline Sutherland and Elinor Green, Bob Stevenson and Annie Mitchell, Jean Bunyan and Val Fairbairn. March 13 – Millennium Trophy 13 – N/S – 1, Dominic and Diana Alkin; 2, Jock Dun and Nancy Porter; 3, Rena Stewart and Maureen Weightman; E/W – 1, Jean McLaren and Ken Ross; 2, Lee Leeson and Bob Stevenson; 3, Lynda Douglas and Bill Elliot.
Kelso Embroiderers’ Guild meets on March 25 at 7pm in Abbey Row Centre. Beth Asquith will give a talk entitled “Grandma’s Button Box”. Members are requested to bring their mugs.
Town Band
The Town Band, under MD Chris Shanks, recorded their best result at the Scottish championships in Perth Concert Hall. Playing in the third section for the fourth year, the band finished in sixth place and this ensures they remain in the section for the banding year. Fifty-five bands from all over Scotland competed in five sections over two days. On the Sunday Chris Shanks enjoyed further success with The Co-op Funeralcare Band. He plays first baritone for them and they won the championship section to progress to the national finals.
This year’s amateur operatic and dramatic society production is “Me and My Girl”. It runs from March 23-29 in the Buccleuch Centre.
Injured jockeys
A fundraiser organised by Colin Barnfather and friends to boost the Injured Jockeys Fund took place in the rugby clubrooms at Milntown and raised £1,716. There was an auction, quiz, raffle and light supper. Gordon Brown, from Racing UK, was in charge of proceedings and on the panel answering questions and talking about Cheltenham were trainers Jim Goldie and Stuart Coltherd, along with jockeys Brian Harding and Brian Toomey. The last named has been out with injury for some time and he gave a talk on the work carried out by the f und.
The stated annual meeting will be held in the Church Centre following a joint service in Lauder Church on March 23 at 11.30am.
Erica Smith showed members a variety of ways to fold table napkins as well as a film of results which could be achieved by the professionals for a bride and groom. Competitions – homemade card – 1, Mary Slater; 2, Alison Easson; 3, Kim Bone; napkin holder – 1, Mary Slater; 2, Margaret Aberdein; 3, Kim Bone. A whist drive will be held on March 26 in Makerstoun Hall.
Church magazine and WFO envelopes available; March 20 – 7pm, Arthritis Research whist drive; March 23 – services at Bowden (9.30am) and Melrose (11am).
In the midst of the schools influx and preparations for the museum, walks and lectures season, the spring issue of “Archaeology Scotland” – the organising body for the subject, based in Musselburgh – carries the latest review of “Newstead: 1911-2011”, the book published at a launch in Melrose in January last year. It is available via the museum.
Call Gowdy, from Milestone Garden Centre, gave members the benefit of his 13 years’ experience as a gardener when he spoke about container plants. He said they were easy to grow and can flourish in small or large areas, patios, balconies and many more different places. His audience learned many things, including the difference between the primrose and the primula. Call brought along a good number of container plants and explained where they should be planted in the garden and looked after. The ladies asked many questions which were easily answered. Competitions – floral arrangement in an unusual container – 1, Irene Cotter; 2, Helen Pearce; 3, Dilys Wheelans; best decorated flower pot – 1, Edith Scott; 2, Sheena Combe; 3, Helen Pearce.
The guild AGM will be held in the institute on April 3 at 7.30pm.
Coffee morning
The guild coffee morning will be held in the institute on March 29 at 10.30am.
Youth project
See Kelso section.
Rod McIntosh gave an informative talk and demonstration on the use of defibrillators. Grace Cessford gave the vote of thanks. Competitions – hand-crafted red heart – 1, Marian Dumma; 2, Helen Cessford; 3, Margaret Blackmore; pomander – 1, Nancy Anderson; 2, Margaret Blackmore; 3, Grace Cessford. There will be a sales table at the April meeting.
The village hall AGM is on March 27 at 7.30pm in the hall.
Newmill and Teviothead members brought along patterns, books, wool, thread, cakes and recipes – in fact anything they
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no longer required and someone else might use. As a result, folk went away with – in some cases more than they brought – items to have a go at knitting, sewing, scrapbooking or trying something different. The local MS society benefited from the donation box with surplus goods going to Oxfam. The outing to the donkey sanctuary in June was discussed, with suggestions for a meal afterwards, and also federation business. Competitions – old coin – 1, Sheila Gray; 2, Sheila McLaren; 3, Betty Rennie; baby article to be donated to the BGH – 1, Sheila Robson; 2, Liz Howieson; 3, Sheila Purdie. The next meeting is on April 1 when Wendy Patterson will demonstrate slate art. Competitions – painted stone and favourite apron.
The stated annual meeting will be held in the Church Centre, Lauder, following a joint service in Lauder Church on March 23 at 11.30am. On April 6, the 10am service will be back in the church.
Open mic night
Sound Out will be hosting an open mic night in Stow Town Hall on March 22. Doors open 7.30pm. This event is a fundraiser for the Stowed Out Festival. Performers should contact 07946 421576 or 07818 284922 for more information.
The next service in Walkerburn Public Hall will be on March 30 at 10am.
There will be a village lunch today (Thursday) in the Wauchope Hall from noon-2pm, with proceeds going to hall funds.
Yetholm Yewtree Allotment Association plots are available and anyone interested should contact John Thompson (01573 420577).
Youth project
See Kelso section.
Mobile signals
The difficulty with the village Vodaphone signal seems to have been resolved for the time being. However, there are strong feelings among villagers about the service and a petition is being sent to the ombudsman. Copies of the petition are available for signature at a number of local outlets.
For some years the local kirk has bonded – via visits – to Possilpark Church in Glasgow which recently welcomed a new minister, and Yetholm and the associated churches were represented on that occasion. The guild’s annual general meeting will take place in Yetholm Kirk at 2.30pm on Tuesday, March 25, when Olivia Gale will be addressing members.