A “radical and innovative” approach has been set out by NHS Borders bosses in a consultation paper on the future of healthcare services in the region.
The health board, which is facing up to having to make savings of £25m between 2015 and 2020 while also dealing with an ageing population and workforce, has set out its clinical strategy, which is out for public consultation until June 6.
The strategy outlines a number of key principles that will allow NHS Borders to tackle future challenges and continue to provide excellent patient care over the next five years.
Calum Campbell, chief executive said “To accommodate the increasing demand across all of our services we require a radical and innovative approach to how they are provided.
“This presents an opportunity to explore new models of care, with a focus on integration of services where possible.”
The consultation document is available at www.nhsborders.org.uk and in various public services around the area.
To obtain a hard copy email public.involvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk or call 0800 7314052.
A series of roadshows will be held over the consultation period.